ProAcTA: Team

ProAcTA features a productive multinational team whose members are all intensively dedicated to the joint project. Our cooperation combines a harmonious personal composition with a great working atmosphere, regular meetings, fruitful discussions, and promising outcomes. Despite the separate working packages that the French and the German teams are each responsible for, a high level of information sharing, as well as updates on research processes, progress, and results characterizes our work.




ProAcTA research group:


William Genieys 



Patrick Hassenteufel 

(Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye)


Saïd Darviche 

(Université de Montpellier/CEPEL)


Marc Smyrl 

(Université de Montpellier/CEPEL)


Farid Boussama 

(Université de Montpellier/CEPEL)


Brent Epperson 

(University of Alberta)


Matthias Brunn

(Université de Montpellier/CEPEL)




Project partners:


Anne-Laure Beaussier 

(Sciences Po Centre de Sociologie des Organisations)


Lawrence Brown

(Columbia University)


Adam Oliver

(London School of Economics)



Nils C. Bandelow

(University of Braunschweig)


Johanna Hornung

(University of Braunschweig)


Lina Y. Iskandar

(University of Braunschweig)


Nikita D. Schlosser

(University of Braunschweig)


Colette S. Vogeler

(University of Braunschweig)












Klaus Schubert

(University of Münster)


Florian Eckert



Robin Rüsenberg

(dagnae e. V.)


Prof. Dr. Nils C. Bandelow

Comparative Politics and Public Policy

Bienroder Weg 97

TU Braunschweig

+49 (0) 531 391-8900

D-38106 Braunschweig